On the Job Training

The History

It’s the oldest form of training. Prior to the advent of off-site training classrooms, the only practical way of learning a job was working along side an experienced worker in a particular trade or profession.
As evinced by the practice of apprenticeship during the middle ages when master craftsmen passed on skills and knowledge to novices who worked alongside them.

The Objective

It focuses on the acquisition of skills
within the work environment generally
under normal working conditions.
Workers can acquire both general skills
that they can transfer from one job to
another and the skills particular to
another job.

It typically includes verbal and written instructions, demonstration and observation, hands-on experience and imitation. The process involves one employee (supervisor, or experienced) passing knowledge to a novice.


Our company has a business partnership with a number of companies in Johannesburg on the different sectors we train in. The focus is to help our learners to get the job experience they need as part of the On The Job Training.

The programme only prepares the learners with the necessary skills to compete for job opportunities, and does not guarantee placements.

Our Partners


The business partnership programme is a positive experience, for both the learner and the company they are placed in.
The experience was extremely rewarding and to top it off, we got a dedicated employee for 1 month and the learner gets the job experience they need in accordance to the SETAs notional hour’s requirements.
Through this initiative many beneficiaries end with an official job offer from the company that they were placed with, based on their hard work and commitment.

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